May marks the 2 year anniversary of Phoenix Fitness and Training! To celebrate, for NEW MEMBERS, we are offering a free trial membership to our Training Group and Group Fitness Classes. Use the promo code HBDPFT to sign up for your all-access pass and start signing in to classes.
We invite you to enjoy any of our run, bike and open water swim practices, as well as TRX, Yoga, and Movement Conditioning classes.
Monday 5:45 am Run Practice
Tuesday 5:30 PM Movement Conditioning Class and 6:15 PM Run Practice
Wednesday 5:45 AM Run Practice, 7:00 AM TRX class, 9:45 AM TRX class and 5:45 PM bike practice
Thursday 6:00 AM Movement Conditioning Class, 5:30 PM TRX Class, 6:15 PM Run Practice, and 7:15 Yoga Stretch Class
Friday 6:00 AM Yoga Class, 6 AM Open Water Swim Practice, 9:45 AM Movement Conditioning Class
Some Saturdays 8:00 AM Run or Brick Practice
Computrainer Classes not included.